With the # ULTRALIGHTWEIGHTSEAT, in 2019 AMC received the world-renowned Altair Enlighten Award in the category "Future of Light weighting" together with csi entwicklungstechnik and Alba tooling & engineering.
Only eight weeks after the #ULTRALIGHTWEIGHTSEAT was honoured with two German Innovation Awards, the 10 kg lightweight prototype caused a worldwide sensation - The Altair Enlighten Award recognizes highly innovative lightweight design concepts, methods, materials and innovations and was announced in Traverse City, Michigan on August 5, 2019. This was accompanied by the announcement of a lightweight Chinese architecture award in fall 2019.
The project Initiator's radically innovative lightweight construction strategy is based on a continuous digital process chain, which made it possible to realize the #ULTRALIGHTWEIGHTSEAT in just one single construction stage. The highly innovative AMC's xFK in 3D winding process is responsible for the major part of the weight reduction. This xFK in 3D process brings about a paradigm shift in ultra-lightweight construction, which was used for the digital conception and design of the seat structure - this means a "step change". Lightweight construction in its purest form.